Innovative Antennas,
Passives & Radar Technologies.

    In Anteral, we are experts in the design, fabrication and verification of high performance feed chains for on-board satellite systems.

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    Anteral provides the best quality products based on antennas and RF components, offering ad-hoc design service to make our products fulfill any requirements you have on mind.

    Antennas & Passives
    Anteral is also focused on universalize the use of radar technology by boosting innovative applications and making their radar solutions accessible for all.

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    Visit uRAD
    Our extensive heritage makes Anteral the perfect partner for different industry sectors: Space, SatCom, 5G & Telecom, Science & Academia, radar...

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    Innovation is part of Anteral DNA. This is why we set aside a relevant part of our resources to research project, which strengthen and enlarge our know-how giving us the opportunity to create new developments.

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    Anteral is formed by engineers and PhDs specialized in telecommunications, computing and electronics, who establish a highly qualified and multidisciplinary team able to face the most demanding challenges from our clients and partners.

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    Corrugated Horn Antennas

    • Custom design
    • In-house design methods with axial corrugations
    • Low crosspolar levels
    • Wideband performance
    • Perfect for satellites and smalsats

    Anteral team has its longest heritage in the design of horn antennas since 1997. It must be highlighted our expertise in the design of corrugated horn antennas in a wide frequency range for many applications, such as satellite communications.

    Anteral corrugated horn antennas are completely custom, designed to meet the client requirements with outstanding performance. We have experience in the most important satellite frequency bands (Ka, Ku, X…). Apart from RF performance, they are also optimized for being as lightweight and compact as possible, features that are vital for space payloads.

    Anteral has the in-house knowledge to design corrugated horn antennas that include axial corrugations in the throat and radial corrugation in the flare. This type of corrugated horn antennas offers outstanding specifications (low crosspolar levels, low sidelobe levels, improved return loss and wideband performance) in a much compact size than a normal corrugated horn antenna reducing manufacture complexity and improving performance.

    During these years, we have designed corrugated horn antennas for different satellite programs. Here there are some of them:


    YearFrequency BandSatellite
    2012X bandMeasat 3B
    2014Ku bandSES-10
    2015Ka and Ku bandsAmazonas 5
    2015Ku bandSES-12
    2017Ka bandEgypsat
    2018X bandKmilsat
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    If you’re interested in this product, you can contact us here.