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Anteral in World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2024

17 May is International Telecommunications and Information Society Day. This day has been celebrated since 2006, although previously they were celebrated separately, the International Telecommunications Union Council decided to unite them. This 2024 they have selected the slogan “Digital innovation can help address the world’s most pressing challenges”.

This specialised body of the United Nations (UN) has as its main objective to regulate and facilitate communication networks between the various operating companies at the international level.

We develop cutting-edge technology that could not reach the level of innovation without the highly specialised knowledge offered by our team, which is made up of engineers from a wide variety of specialties. Today we come to highlight the role of telecommunications and the doctors and graduates in this specialisation that we have.


Anteral receives support from the Government of Navarre to apply for the InnovaRSE label